Talking to people outside of the gun community: What about Training?!

151 Aufrufe
Rob Pincus and Jerah Hutchins discuss the issue of talking with people who may be anti-gun, pro gun control or even gun owners who are tolerant of some restrictions on gun rights.

One area that concerns many people is training & education in responsible gun use. Many gun owners even feel that carry rights which don’t require training to be exercised create more potential problems than they solve.

As an instructor, Jerah has dealt with this issue first hand and she has also met a lot of people who not only have come to her for education that wasn’t required, but also who’ve shown up to a class with their first gun after having previously been anti-gun. She knows that opinions change and that effective advocacy starts with believing that these conversations are worth having.

Jerah’s website:

USCCA Defensive Shooting Fundamentals Program:

Rob’s Training Company and Intuitive Defensive Shooting program:

Visit and check out the blog for more information on grassroots gun rights advocacy.
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