SBS Online Community Classroom: Power to the People? by Paulette Kurzer

168 Aufrufe
Join Political Science Professor Paulette Kurzer, a specialist in European politics, as she examines the rise of radical rightwing populist parties. Virtually all (West) European countries nowadays possess a rightwing populist party, defined as a political group that claims to represent the people against the elite and espouses nationalist, anti-immigration, and anti-EU rhetoric. This course will explore why rightwing populism has spread in Europe since the early 2000s. We will compare the political dynamics in three West European countries: France, Germany, and the Netherlands. Special attention will be given to the domestic electoral system and how this enables (or not) the rise of anti-establishment challenger parties. In our final meeting, we will discuss whether Covid-19 has or will arrest the growth and appeal of rightwing populism. Register at
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