Teachers have done their best but kids are better off at school than at home

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Class acts  Teachers have done their best . . . admirably in the vast majority of cases. But we all know online learning is not a patch on the real thing.  ...  It has set children’s education back months. And being isolated from their mates for so long has been hell.  So we should rejoice that it’s over. But after so long in lockdown, some mums and dads will be nervous at sending kids back to class. They shouldn’t be.  The risk of them catching Covid and getting seriously ill is minuscule.  The risk of them spreading it to their teachers or bringing it home to their parents is tiny too.  It was already extremely low last year. And the precautions being put in place now will make schools even safer: Far greater use of masks, including in class. Better ventilation, especially as the weather warms up. And, crucially, ­regular Covid testing.     Don’t take it from us. Here’s Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty: “The risk to children is incredibly low from going to school and from catching Covid.  “It is universally accepted there are huge advantages for children to be in school from a health point of view.”  Lockdown will have been harder on some than on others. So the £79million Government boost for mental health ­support in schools is hugely welcome.  If you’re worried about your kids going back, you’re not alone.   EU hypocrites    Brussels is clutching its pearls over us temporarily postponing customs ­measures to make life better for shoppers there. It even plans to sue.  Yet the EU almost threw up a toxic hard border in Ireland overnight simply to stop Britain getting vaccines.  Italy has now barred a shipment of 250,000 life-saving Oxford jabs ordered by Australia. France may block more.  Here are EU members, sticklers for rules it demands Britain must follow, breaking others to suit themselves.   Saved by Sun    In 1987, outraged at her abduction to Germany as a toddler, we hired lawyers to ensure she was returned home to Wales and her mum Karen.  Incredibly, Natasha — now a mother herself — has only just learned the truth from a dusty scrapbook of Sun cuttings.  We have had some proud moments over the years. This one’s right up there.
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