Temporary Suspension of AstraZenica vaccine in Iceland

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Source credit.https://www.landlaeknir.is/um-embaettid/frettir/frett/item44622/Timabundin-frestun-a-
Temporary suspension of vaccinations with Astra Zeneca vaccine in Iceland
The Chief Epidemiologist recommends a temporary suspension of COVID vaccines from Astra Zeneca while the European Medicines Agency discusses the possible link between vaccinations with this vaccine and blood clots.

No blood clots have been reported following vaccination with the Astra Zeneca vaccine in Iceland. Preliminary investigations by the European Medicines Agency into cases in Austria did not indicate any link to vaccination. As cases have been reported in several countries and their investigation has not been completed, further use of the vaccine should wait several days until the results are available.

We are not trying to put doubts and intimidate people about the AstraZenica vaccine.We are just sharing the factual information that is currently happening in iceland. And the temporarily halt is not in general vaccines from AstraZenica but is specifically only on some batches use of the shot, following reports of blood clots in people who received the vaccine from two batches produced in Europe.

As usual Im leaving you the links of my sources so you can go over and check it for your self.


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