Tencent’s CXO and former Iceland President: FEW and the Greatest Challenges of Today

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The current world is facing more challenges than ever. “FEW” (F-food, E-energy, W-water) is the future of humanity and an essential issue for the sustainable development of the planet.

How do we tackle these challenges around the world? Tencent Chief eXploration Officer David Wallerstein joined Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, Chairman of the Arctic Circle and former President of Iceland from 1996 to 2016, for a webinar on “Tencent Dialogue,” to explore ways both businesses and individuals can contribute to sustainability.

Key questions addressed during the Dialogue:
1. What is the biggest global challenge in the post-epidemic era?
2. How will technology change the future of mankind?
3. How do we consider sustainability on Earth vs exploration in space?
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