Tesla 2022 RWD LFP 60 KW Model 3- REAL WORLD Range Test and Review

148 Aufrufe
I sold my 2018 Model S 75D and 'downgraded' to the base model 2022 RWD Model 3 with LFP Battery. This is a Chinese car, and has the new 60KW LFP battery, the battery capacity being increased in the Shanghai cars from late 2021 or early 2022.

How does it compare to my Model S? Is it really a downgrade? And what range does it get in 'real world'?

Watch and find out.

The range test starts at 11.30.

This is the leather shield product I coated my seats in - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gyeon-Q²-Leather-Shield-50/dp/B01N57S9O6/ref=sr_1_6?crid=2TD4LN95CURR5&keywords=gyeon+q2&qid=1650805613&quartzVehicle=5-10179&replacementKeywords=gyeon&sprefix=Gyeon%2Caps%2C79&sr=8-6
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