Tesla Gigafactory Texas 1 April 2021 Cyber Truck & Model Y Factory Construction Update (08:30AM)

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Gigafactory Texas on 1 April 2021! This is where the Cyber Truck and Model Y will be built!
Happy April Fool’s day! In this video, I take a bit of a break from my normal annotations and information, and instead have a little fun with some misdirection and some Easter eggs throughout. I hope you will enjoy this diversion for the day ... I will be back to my normal self and videos on the next one, I promise!
It was a beautiful morning to fly at the sire with clear skies, light winds and temperatures that were great!

Drone flight overview with discussion & illustration: 0:27 to 3:47
Drone flight footage & infographics: 3:54 to 29:55

Here are highlights on this April Fool’s day:
- The battery cell area is alive with energy as they are finishing filling in the two large excavation areas with dirt & compacting it, and many trucks are lined up delivering steel beams and columns which are then being arranged around the site. The cranes were positioned to possible begin erecting some of the steel later today, and all of the work (up to the current stopping point on the north side) with the perimeter grade beam appears to be completed. Also, the water treatment containers and pumps appear to be connected to the fire water loop for testing.
- The paint shop shows many exciting changes today. on the west center section, a new slab has been poured, and on the north, more of the large boxy modular paint production equipment was being hoisted to the second floor. More work on the stairs and it looks like on the west ground floor, more slab work is being prepared. On the east side, about 75% of the wall metal studs have been installed.
- The Cyber Truck casting machine area (just north of the model Y casting structure) is getting a lot more GeoPier work and you can see hundreds of pink flags showing where the pillars will be drilled and filled. Also, the center ground slab of the model Y casting structure was just completed as I arrived today to start filming.
- The electrical conduit under the powerlines appears to be nearly completed and there is a new off-shoot heading to the east side and into another of the concrete "inspection" boxes, which is an interesting development and suggest a structure will be going in the area the contractor trailers are currently located.
- On the far east side, we see the large land clearing and earthmoving work accelerating and many more trucks, excavators and other equipment were busy this morning in this area.
- The stamping machine structure now has all the wall panels installed and yesterday, the second very large bridge crane arrived and is being installed this morning (cannot see this due to all the wall panels in place now). On the roof, workers are installing metal components in the northeast corner ... These are being inserted into cut out receptacles on a grid pattern that you could see them making with snap lines on the roof. Purpose unknown, but it could either be to help connect the concrete roof to the steel roof, or part of the water management system.
- The southwest area of the foundation is now busy as well, with a lot of steel arriving, components such as stairs and other related equipment, more footings being constructed heading westward, and cranes are being reposition and re-rigged.
- The west steel structure is growing to the south and the east (up to the central "roadway" area. One of the yellow cranes has joined the red cranes to continue adding steel to the structure.

A lot more detail work all over the site today! I hope you enjoy the April Fools fun I had with this video and I promise to return to my normal production methods on the next video! Thank you again for you wonderful and very much appreciated support!
Thank you for watching and I hope this has been informative, educational and entertaining for you. If you would like, please consider supporting me via Patreon (link is in the description of this video and in the video itself) so I can continue to make and share these incredible videos.

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Be sure to check out additional Texas Gigafactory footage on these channels:
@Jeff Roberts
@Terafactory Texas
@Texas Terafactory

Video, photos, illustrations and commentary on this video is by me, Joe Tegtmeyer unless otherwise annotated.

Music in this video is obtained from the YouTube free and unrestricted and royalty-free use library. Ending song is Mr. Sunny Face - Wayne Jones

Drones used are DJI Mavic Mini and Mavic Air 2.

Drone flight over Giga Texas is with permission of Tesla and CEO Elon Musk
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