The Peeps || How to Make A Bangin' Video Using AI Tools in Under 30 Minutes || Watershed

69 Aufrufe
Everybody is losing their minds over the avalanche of creative AI tools that have rumbled into the mainstream in recent months. Should you be excited? Confused? Discombobulated? And what does it all mean for creativity? Can they be strung together to create cool stories and eye-catching content?

Derek Ahmedzai and Norts of The Peeps (long-term AI creators and proud Pervasive Media Studio residents) will demonstrate that anyone can take a handful of these AI tools, along with a sprinkle of thought and ingenuity, and make a video to get people talkin’. All created in under thirty minutes.

It will be fast, frenetic and fun, but you will leave suitably inspired to give it a go yourself.


twitter: @hello_thepeeps

The Pervasive Media Studio is a partnership between the Watershed, University of the West of England and University of Bristol. The lunchtime talks are partly supported by MyWorld, a project led by the University of Bristol to support creative industries in the region. Watershed is supported by Arts Council England.
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