The public health center received a grant of half a crore rupees

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Professor Nasreen Begum has donated Rs 50 lakh to set up a five-bed Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at the Public Health Society-based Medical College Hospital in Savar. The transfer was completed on Saturday (February 13) at the Public Health City Hospital.

The founder and trustee of the public health center was present at the press conference organized on this occasion. Jafrullah Chowdhury, CEO of the Public Health Center. Manzoor Qadir Ahmed, vice president of the Public Health Society-based medical college. Mahibullah Khandaker and Jahangir Alam Mintu, Media Advisor at the Public Health Center.

Haji Muhammad Muhsin's generosity was mentioned. Jafrullah Chowdhury said in his speech, 'Today is a very important day. As Haji Muhammad Muhsin has donated regardless of religion or caste, Professor Nasreen Begum has also done her duty by standing by the side of common people through donations. I am grateful to him and his family.

At that time Professor Nasreen Begum said, 'If there is faith, the purpose is successful. I am happy to serve the people and willing to work in any organization of Jafrullah Chowdhury.

It was unanimously decided to name the proposed ICU 'Sabrina Kamal ICU'. Incidentally, Professor Nasreen Begum's daughter 'Sabrina Kamal' was studying at the University of Heidelberg in Germany for higher education. He died of covid disease. The naming of the ICU was decided out of respect for his memory.
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