
The Whole Armour of God — Rick Renner

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God has provided spiritual weapons for you to use in your fight against the enemy. Join Rick Renner to find out about these spiritual weapons. To order the series and book offer click SHOW MORE.

We are in a war — but it’s not against flesh and blood. It is a war against unseen principalities and demonic powers that rule the realm of darkness. Although Christ forever defeated and disarmed Satan through the Cross, we must learn how to be strong in the Lord and enforce the victory He has already achieved. https://renner.org/product/dressed-to-kill-10-part-series/

Scripture warns that Christians will have to stand and fight in spiritual battles waged against them by unseen forces. This means you must be ready to combat the enemy using spiritual weapons of war. In this book, Rick answers the hard questions about the often-misunderstood subject of spiritual warfare. https://renner.org/product/dressed-to-kill/
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