There is ‘no need to pause’ AstraZeneca rollout: Dr Katie Allen

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Liberal MP Dr Katie Allen has backed the Morrison government’s “evidence-based” COVID response and has insisted there is “no need to pause” the AstraZeneca rollout in Australia.

Multiple European nations including France, Spain, Italy and Germany have suspended their rollout of the AstraZeneca vaccine over concerns the jab may have led to blood clots.

More than 35 people of the 17 million who took the vaccine in Europe have been reported as experiencing blood clots.

Dr Allen has rebuked calls for the government to consider following the move and suspending the AstraZeneca vaccine.

“We don’t act on a whim, we act on the evidence base,” she told Sky News.

The federal Liberal MP said the reported rate of clots is “lower level than would be expected” in a general population of 17 million people.

“There is no need to pause at this point in time because there is not evidence that there is a problem with the AstraZeneca vaccine.”
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