True Earth, MUD , PT 1 , an introduction to a Theory :)

172 Aufrufe
due to circumstances beyond my control my channel was silenced for 14 days , apparently the truth does not set us free, its quite the reverse !!
a mudflood conjures up images with destruction & devastation left behind , maybe it was tidal waves , this may have been the case at sometime in the distant past , but I don't think there is any evidence as regards the most recent mud event that has taken place all across the earth where the buildings are surrounded but not displaced or damaged ,( as if it was controlled & intentional,)
while those that controlled it were safe, living down below(?)
why have tunnel systems & underground cities & not use them ?
there is an ancient tunnel system that stretches from Scotland - Turkey !
, I spent many hours walking the streets of Glasgow to look for evidence to back up the theory I am running with (until something else makes more sense)
I think I found proof , you be the judge :)
water always finds its own level , whether its a puddle, a loch, a lake or an Ocean :)
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mark rober demo(complete video)​
1:40​- Cereal Killa- Blue Wednesday-​
2:54​- Danijel Zambo- Devil in Disguise
3:25​- Keep on Trying- Andrew Applepie-​
4:50​- Berlin- Andrew Applepie-​
6:20​- Cereal Killa- Blue Wednesday-​
7:20​- Pata Pata- Matt Cherne-​
8:45​- Q- Blue Wednesday-​...
9:37​- Too Happy to be cool by Notebreak-​...
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