URBAN GreenUP - 2nd External Webinar - Floating Gardens

124 Aufrufe
The 2nd External Webinar – co-organized with the NBS sister projects UNaLab and Connecting Nature – focused on Floating Gardens, with stories from Liverpool and Chicago.

Two presentations were given:

-Liverpool's Floating Ecosystems by Juliet Staples - Liverpool City Council

-City Immersive Floating Eco-Parks - The Chicago Wild Mile by Nick Wesley -Urban Rivers

More information on URBAN GreenUP is available on the project website: https://www.urbangreenup.eu/

The URBAN GreenUP network of cities is featured here: https://www.urbangreenup.eu/cities/

URBAN GreenUP has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 730426
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