Virol Oxy

176 Aufrufe
We are introducing “Virol-oxy” which is undoubtedly cost effective best Sanitizer available at best rate .

Why to use Virol oxy:
1) All purpose single Sanitizer certified against Covid 19 by Reputed international labs for living and non-living things like Pets, Hands, medical tools & instruments, Home & Office sanitization etc. User doesn’t have to purchase 4-5 separate sanitizers for different use.
2) Made in Germany, exported to more than 50 countries and approved by European and Indian Labs.
3) It cleans, disinfects and do “Anti viral” coating which keeps any surface virus free for 2 month.
4) It is in concentrated powder form to avoid counterfeit. Maximum available sanitizers have high rate of adulteration.
5) Cheapest as effective cost is around Rs 25-50 per litre as only .5% to 1% is required to mix in water to prepare disinfectant.

6) Click following links for more information:

Please click on links to know more about it and let me know if you need it for your office/home or for resale.

Available on Flipkart :

Best Regards
Mandeep Gupta
Space Consultant
Product website:
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