Virtual Exhibit Elem Mathematics

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Let us celebrate the SVD Fiesta 2021. SVD: Celebrating Memory and Identity.

Welcome to SVD Virtual Exhibit in honor of St. Arnold Janssen.

Saint Jude Catholic School is a basic education provider, owned and managed by the Society of the Divine Word (SVD).

SVD is a religious congregation founded by St. Arnold Janssen, whose feast day we celebrate every 15th of January. We dedicate this humble work to honor the saint who inspired the founder of Saint Jude Catholic School, Rev. Fr. Peter Yang, SVD.

As a 24-year old newly ordained priest, Arnold Janssen began teaching Mathematics and Science in Bocholt, Germany. The people of Bocholt called him the “little priest-teacher.” He was barely 5 ft tall and had slender built. He prepared well for class, kept the instructional materials in good condition and practiced the science experiments himself. He was a strict teacher; yet, a man of prayer. (from The Life of Saint Arnold Janssen, SJCS Publications, 2009)

Drawing inspiration from the life of Saint Arnold Janssen, the Elementary Mathematics Program illuminates the character traits of Arnold Janssen.

As young as Grade 1, the children were introduced to basic mathematics concepts using experiential learning – “learning by doing.” Mathematics teachers patiently use concrete objects to demonstrate mathematics lessons. Students are provided learning experiences using manipulatives, a careful scaffolding of mathematical ideas (semi-concrete to semi-abstract and to abstract forms) focused on acquiring the thinking skills in mathematics.

In elementary, mathematics teachers prepare assessments for learning- children are given formative tests to check if they have mastered the learning competencies in a developmentally appropriate manner.

Children who find difficulty to cope with the lessons are given special instructions through remedial classes promptly.

The average students are given supplementary materials to reinforce their mathematics skills.

The fast learners are given intensive mathematics training to nurture their mathematics skills.

The Journey of Mathematics Champions

Modesty aside, SJCS has been known for its exemplary performance not only locally but internationally as well. As early as the late 90s, SJCS has been winning mathematics competitions.

Our mathematics champions underwent a thorough training as early as Grade 1.

Out of several fast learners, we choose those who manifest exemplary mathematics skills through a series of examinations – both oral and written. After the initial screening, the students undergo an intensive mathematics training program. This program conducted in all grade levels prepares the math champions of their respective batches.

Even now, amidst COVID-19 pandemic, the passion for mathematics continues. Here are the mathematics winners who joined different online math competitions, both local and international, for the first quarter and second quarter of school year, 2020-2021.

The first part of training as mathematics champions focuses on character building – excellence can only be achieved through discipline. Hence, students are exposed to learning experiences that will mold their character. This is the secret of our mathematics champions. They were nurtured through the years to develop these traits: passion for excellence, discipline, perseverance, determination, teamwork, resilience, and Christ-centeredness.

We emphasized that, since they participate in mathematics competitions not only for the awards and the prestige of winning. They are made to realize that competitions are not just about winning. It is about doing one’s best. The mindset of a Judenite-mathematics champion is to do one’s best – for God, for SJCS and for the family.

When Judenite-learners represent the country in international mathematics competitions, they are reminded to perform well… for God, for the country and for SJCS and their respective families.

With Christ-centeredness at the core of Judenite - mathematics champions, they know that after all the sacrifices and the challenges in preparing for the competitions, GOD has the masterplan. Without God, they cannot achieve anything. Their victory is their means of glorifying the Father Almighty.

The journey of SJCS mathematics champions has borne great fruits. And with that, we are forever grateful.

Collaboration of the Unsung Heroes of the Competitions

While the teacher-trainers are the unsung heroes behind the successful mathematics champions, it should be noted that the victory is only made possible with the participation of the other unsung heroes- the parents of the mathematics champions who accompanied their children through the mathematics journey. And for that, we are equally grateful.

As a final note, we thank our Father Almighty, through the intercession of St. Arnold Janssen, and St. Jude Thaddeus, for the joys and triumphs through all these years.

To God be the glory!

St. Arnold Janssen, keep praying for us!
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