COVID-19 Fallout and the Challenges for Global Recovery Response

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Hosted by: Dr Shrabani Saha and Dr Tobias Bruenner, University of Lincoln, UK

Distinguished speakers:

Dr Kunal Sen, Director UNU-WIDER (Finland) and Professor of Development Economics in the Global Development Institute (on leave), the University of Manchester, UK

Dr Sumon Bhaumik, Professor and Chair in Finance, University of Sheffield, UK

Dr Tapas Mishra, Professor and Head of the Department Banking and Finance, University of South Hampton, UK

Dr Sanchari Roy, Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor of Development Economics, King’s College London, UK

Dr Bibhas Saha, Reader in Economics at Durham University, UK
The pandemic COVID-19 is with us nearly couple of months now (since December 2019) but it made the whole world stand still over two months on the same platform of lockdown. This webinar was held on 11 May 2020, focuses on the issues like: i) the impact on real economy - output, employment and prices; ii) the financial sector, banks and their balance sheets; iii) provision of public and private health care expenses.
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