CSR in the value chain and reporting according to the German Sustainability Code

172 Aufrufe
Is it the right timing to think and to plan responsible businesses and business cooperation when the economy is fighting through this difficult period? And especially, though sustainability is considered as a voluntary activity for SMEs?

At the webinar you will hear more about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its added value for any company. You get known the German Sustainability Code as a simplified CSR reporting standard that is also feasible for SME capacities. Gofore Estonia OÜ shows you the best practice examples applying CSR standards and being successful in international business cooperation.

We will deepen the discussions e.g. by the following questions:
* Why are responsible business quality labels important right now, perhaps even more important than financial indicators?
* Is it really worth to invest time in CSR when operating in Germany and other export markets?
* Which CSR themes are probably interesting to my own company?

The topics are discussed and advised by:
* Andrea Mewaldt, CEO Munich, Open Europe Consulting
* Mari Aru, Councelor for Economy and Trade, Estonian Embassy in Berlin * Tuuli Pärenson, Head of Business Development, Gofore Estonia OÜ

Webinar is facilitated by Tiina Kivikas, EAS Export Adviser in Germany

The project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

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