Dame Stephanie talks about her new book, 'So To Speak'.

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Covid-19 stopped us all in our tracks. Life as we knew it was on hold. For Dame Stephanie Shirley, it was an opportunity to gather together her favourite speeches into a book. Something she had talked about for a long time.

Dame Stephanie – or ‘Steve’ as she likes to be known, is a workplace revolutionary and successful IT entrepreneur turned ardent philanthropists. She has given away nearly £68m to different projects, specifically IT and autism, her late son’s condition.

Her memoir, Let It Go, re-published by Penguin in 2012 has sold over 20,000 copies in the UK and just launched in Germany too. It is being made into a silver screen film, although this is on hold.

With no time to find a publisher, we commissioned the London based Agency, Deep, to help us design something very special. The result is a stunning book with a golden hardback cover, which packages the beautifully designed pages and photographs throughout. It’s a gift.
Steve will tell you more in this short video.

So To Speak is available in hardback online – all proceeds go to www.autistica.org.uk – to buy your copy and ensure all proceeds go to charity, please email [email protected]. Otherwise you can order direct from Amazon or Waterstones.

PR and MEDIA: if you would like to learn more about So To Speak, to interview Dame Stephanie or write an article, please contact [email protected].
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