Exploring Critical Making | Reem Talhouk

144 Aufrufe
Dr. Reem Talhouk presents the use of Experience-Centred Design as a critical approach for design and innovation that counters neoliberal approaches to the digitalization of humanitarian services that aim to improve health and food security. The talk will be based on Design research she has conducted with refugees in the Middle East and Europe.

In the Critical Making project, we want to add scientific insights into the potentials of the maker movement for critical, socially responsible making, and show how these communities can offer new opportunities for young makers of all genders to contribute to an open society via open source innovation. During our kick-off Interactive Workshop: Exploring Critical Making on 25th March 2021, we hosted a conversation with experts of experimental research approaches and makers on how they are using new, different, hands-on research methods to shape the maker community in a more inclusive. Viewers of the livestream used a public Miro board (https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lOhsQoQ=/) for comments and questions.
Find out more about the project at https://criticalmaking.eu/

Speaker: Dr. Reem Talhouk, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne / United Kingdom, https://reemtalhouk.com/

Moderator: Regina Sipos, Technical University Berlin, Berlin / Germany, https://www.arte.tu-berlin.de/
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