Giga Berlin's Opponents Make Higher Move Against Tesla

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After Tesla Giga Berlin's Victory Conservationists Are Making Higher Move. They are taking Tesla Giga Berlin's tests to the Higher Administrative Court.

Welcome back dear friends, this is Armen Hareyan from Please, subscribe to our channel for daily Tesla and Giga Berlin news, and like this video if you find it informative.

Several environmental associations continue to take legal action against production tests in the Tesla factory in Grünheide (Oder-Spree). This was announced by the Naturschutzbund (Nabu) and the Green League on Wednesday.

After the administrative court in Frankfurt (Oder) rejected an urgent application against Tesla Giga Berlin by the associations on Tuesday, the associations are now taking action before the higher administrative court (OVG). Spokeswoman Christine Scheerhorn confirmed receipt of the complaint by the court (file number 11, p. 78/21).

According to the dpa, the conservationists justified this step with the accusation that the administrative court only based its decision on a balancing of interests, since it considered the chances of success in the main to be open. In addition, the resolution waives any dispute with the legality of the procedural approval of the early start.

Environmental associations rely on safety reports of Giga Berlin.

At the beginning of the month, the State Environment Agency gave Tesla permission to test the production processes in its almost completed electric car plant in Grünheide. Such pre-approvals may only be granted if approval for the overall project is likely.

Nabu and the Green League do not see this "positive approval prognosis" for the Tesla project in Grünheide because the safety precautions in the factory are inadequate according to an expert report. In addition, Tesla has fundamentally revised its plans.

The Ministry of the Environment had declared that these were function tests in which only small amounts of substances that are hazardous to water and significant in the event of an accident are used. Therefore, the knowledge gained from a submitted accident report would not conflict with this decision.

The nature conservation associations see it differently. The necessary positive approval prognosis for the issuance of the overall project due to an accident report obtained from the State Environment Agency is not possible. The report came to the conclusion that critical points such as the leakage of toxins had to be fundamentally reworked, according to a contradiction of the associations.


This is Armen Hareyan from Torque News. Please follow us at on Twitter and for daily automotive news.

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