High Protein Yogurt: Trends and Formulation Insights

145 Aufrufe
The global yogurt market is continuously growing with sales of yogurt reaching $112.8 billion USD in 2019 and expected to grow to $163.7 billion USD by 2025. As we navigate COVID-19 many customers are making diet choices that reflect overall health and wellness goals. This change has led to an increase in sales of products that can improve gut health and overall immunity. High protein yogurt offers customers the benefits of a high protein food as well as the many benefits of cultured products such as gut health.

During this free webinar, Hari Meletharayil, Ph.D. Vice President-Product Research for the National Dairy Council will discuss trends and formulation insights of high protein yogurt. This is a great opportunity to explore the science behind high protein yogurt, the various method of processing, and the effects of protein ingredients and processing on the finished good. We will then conclude with an overview of functionality and popular applications by Khilendra Bhanduriya, Senior Product Development Scientist.
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