MACH DAS SOFORT! - Dein Account ist in GEFAHR!

84 Aufrufe
Hilfsvideo von @totallyAcRo bei anderen Emailproblemen:

Email Text für Support:

Dear BSG Support Team,
for many days now I try to log into my EFT account on your website and in the launcher and simply don’t get a verification code sent to my e-mail. I’ve checked the spam folder and made sure your domains are on my whitelist, turned off firewalls and internet security software, but nothing worked. I’ve found a comment of tobiassolem from your crew in the EFT Forums that states:

„So, gentlemen. Even if you did indeed contact support X months ago, and were not able to get assistance with the issue at the time, please do so now again as there have been recent investigations into the issues and a solution can be presented at this time. The reason why we are not simply writing this solution here in public is due to the fact that it needs to be handled on an individual basis, by a support specialist.!“
Please help me!

Thank you and have a great day,


Email BSG Support:
[email protected]

00:00 Intro
02:00 Problemlösung - Homepage einloggen möglich
03:20 Problemlösung - Ihr könnt nicht mehr einloggen

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