Mini Project - Web Application Architecture Evolution (2023v1)

73 Aufrufe
In this advanced demo lesson you are going to evolve the architecture of a popular web application wordpress The architecture will start with a manually built single instance, running the application and database over the stages of the demo you will evolve this until its a scalable and resilient architecture

The demo consists of 6 stages, each implementing additional components of the architecture

0:00 Stage 1 - Setup the environment and manually build wordpress
24:46 Stage 2 - Automate the build using a Launch Template
37:44 Stage 3 - Split out the DB into RDS and Update the LT
57:19 Stage 4 - Split out the WP filesystem into EFS and Update the LT
1:15:24 Stage 5 - Enable elasticity via a ASG & ALB and fix wordpress (hardcoded WPHOME)
1:41:24 Stage 6 - Cleanup

1 Click Deployment

Architecture Diagrams and Instructions : (you will need these)

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