No nazis on our streets 2021 – march

221 Aufrufe
While millions of people around the world are fighting Covid-19 and the aftermath of the pandemic, another type of disease is weighing on our society – the plague of fascism, xenophobia, and racism. On 13.02.2021, far-right groups and organizations once again gathered to propagate their misanthropic ideas undisturbed in the center of Sofia at the so-called Lukovmarch. That is why, while the authorities shut their eyes to this shame to the public once again, the supporters of freedom and solidarity, expressed our disagreement and resistance through protest. Giving a platform and thus legitimating inhumane, dangerous, and destructive ideas like these, represented by the marches of hate and the propaganda they spread, are unacceptable.
Fascism – NEVER AGAIN! ✊
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