Quarentour 2020 - A Bikepacking Mini-Adventure: Keeping the Dream Alive during Times of Coronavirus

208 Aufrufe
After 14 months of touring in Latin America, and crossing South America South to North. I found myself in Costa Rica at the beginning of the Covid-19 Epidemic. With all the borders around me closing I made the hard decision to put my tour on pause. With intentions to continue my route to Alaska as soon as things return to some sort of normalcy I find myself at home in Minnesota. A place I have spent the last 3 years away from. Starting to get antsy after the come-down of cycling 8 hours a day every day for the last year. I decided to make a tour in my own backyard, exploring new single-track, searching for a gravel road, and enjoying time with family at a distance of 6 ft.

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/where_is_karl/

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Gear List https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lCnAeG0XPtBfdbubCvto6aMjRNy1LoCa97a4LERK4Tg/edit?usp=sharing

Logo designed by - Katjakroll.com

Ketsa - Inspired
Fog Lake - Captain
Sebastian Sampierie - Arabian Sampierie
Kai Engle - October

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