Sinfonian Virtual Choir-Sinfonia Hymn

180 Aufrufe
Sinfonia Hymn

"The bond of Sinfonia Brotherhood now extends throughout the length and breadth of our country. Never before have such cordial relations and mutual interest existed among the leading musical schools of learning. Never before has a like number of musicians and students of music been banded together by such bonds of real brotherhood. Such an influence must make itself felt beyond the borders of our fraternal quarters to the accomplishment of our further purpose, ‘The advancement of music in America.’''
-George Williams (Delta), Third supreme president of Sinfonia.

Welcome To the Sinfonian Virtual Choir!

The goal of this group is to band brothers together through the use of technology, collaboration, and brotherly spirits to spread good spirits to those across our nation and beyond.

The creation of this project was inspired by the Corona Virus pandemic causing many college institutions to close their doors for the spring 2020 semester. This cancelled many chapters plans to have American Music Recitals, Mills Music Missions, and other musical events in order for them to vacate university property to hinder the spread of the virus.

Through the talents of the many brothers in the choir including, but not limited to:

Audio engineering
video production

Brothers from across the country collaboratively produce these Virtual choir performances.

See what chapters the brothers in this video are from:
Choir Chapter Map:

Special Thanks to the following brothers for their efforts in this project:

Director- Jacob Lambert, Zeta Eta
Conductor- Will Akins, Gamma Omega
Sound- Jame Hendricks, Zeta Eta
Video- Jacob Lambert, Zeta Eta

Planning Committee:
Will Akins
Tyler Bainter
Nick Bass
Maxwell Elkiss
Mario Kee
Logan Williams
James Hendricks
Austin Holland
Jacob Lambert

Tenor 1
Ben Hickson, Theta Tau
James Rodrigue, Omicron Beta
Nathan Hargis, Omicron Tau
Spencer Germany, Omicron Tau
Rusty Gallus, Rho Xi
Marshall Rickman, Zeta Eta
Luis Servin, Gamma Delta
Young Rylee, Beta Sigma
Cameo Humes, Xi Nu
Connor Terrell, Rho Omega
Patrick Dailey, Eta Xi
Jason Pandelidis, Lambda Beta
Adam Henning, Theta Nu
Jameel McKanstry, Epsilon Iota
Dylan Griffin, Sigma Psi
Will Booker, Gamma Eta
Mark Tenorio, Iota Pi
Michael Woodruff, Beta Kappa
Sean Delgrosso, Epsilon Rho

Tenor 2
Ben Hickson, Theta Tau
James Rodrigue, Omicron Beta
Collin Alekson,
Jonathan Garcia, Xi
Cj Puentes, Theta Tau
Dante Colding, Theta Eta
Chris Thorne, Xi Omega
Delan Hao, Iota
Emanual Hill, Kappa Gamma
John O’Driscoll, Delta Psi
Tim Klinker, Beta Delta
Johnny Canamaso, Nu Psi
Zachary Gilbertson, Gamma Theta

Ben Hickson, Theta Tau
James Rodrigue, Omicron Beta
David Simmons, Eta Xi
Erik Viator, Delta Epsilon
Justin Desens, Theta Nu
Stephen Chavez, Kappa Chi
Carlos Gonzalez, Kappa Chi
Zachary Lynn, Xi
Tony Martin, Xi
Michael Mairs, Gamma Theta
Drew Crim, Gamma Omega
Olin Jenkins, Eta Zeta
Cory Bissel, Pi Upsilon
Jordan Smith, Theta Rho
Jacob Lambert, Zeta Eta

CJ Whitmore, Theta Phi
David Seanor, Omicron Tau
Emorja Roberson, Kappa sigma
Alex Rattana, Epsilon Rho
Jonathan Eastman, Beta Delta
Will Gamache, Pi Upsilon
Zachary Lynn, Omicron Omega
Connor Barber, Epsilon Iota
Joseph Barnett, Gamma Beta
Cole Birmingham, Kappa Eta
Ethan Mitchell, Eta Phi
Charles Horn, Gamma Theta
James Tapley, Theta Phi
Will Akins, Gamma Omega
Nathan Schimpf, Zeta Kappa
Alex Jacobson, Omicron Pi
Matthew Trevino, Kappa Chi
Bram Hernandez, Nu Eta

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