Ylva Interview fra Høgtun Folkehøgskole (Norge, Germany, USA) Interactive cultural trade-backs

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LifeWitWoody presents Ylva, kommer fra Germany! Hei Hei folkens! ;) In this episode I explain what I did in Norway, what was different and interesting etc! We get to hear from one of my best friends who loves to be active- no matter what activity and is extremely intelligent... Double threat! Like and sub for more life with WOODY! Shout out to Hogtun Folkhogskole og Morton og Uknights, and of course Tim and Gabriel! You know who you are! Thank you Norway for this experience, I learned a lot about myself, my heritage/culture/tradition, and how things can be done differently. I love Norway and have been there twice. So far I've been to 14 countries, 4 different continents, (4 of 7 means I've travelled half of the world technically..) and lived in Europe (Norway for 10 months and visited countless other countries while I was abroad. I really believe that travelling is one of the 3 main way humans establish social connection and a deeper understanding of the world they live in. Cheers and stay safe from covid-19 fam!
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