demo - Benzin

148 Aufrufe
DEMO - Benzin

under heat records back at it again
this time they got a pretty cool german punk based in berlin
i get sort of amyl and the sniffers x uranium club vibes. just ah, a bit fuzzier

yaknow, my mom backpacked around germany and went to a shit ton'a shows years ago when i was in elementary school. but, funny thing, when she went it was winter, and she had 1. a tent 2. a sleeping bag and 3. a boyfriend. they almost froze to death, man
probably wasn't funny then but it sure is now

excuse my lack of umlauts, i don't know how ta do that on a laptop

0:00 Muelpresse
1:13 Schlange
2:19 Typ
3:06 Besser
4:29 Zu Zaeh
5:18 Zieh Dir Was Rein
7:03 Krank
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