From education to the audio industry - dBs graduates share their experience in our online panel

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At dBs Sound & Music Institute, we're committed to helping as many of our students as possible walk straight into jobs after leaving us and constantly pushing for each of them to explore the wealth of opportunities that exist.

To showcase this we invited six of our graduates to an online panel to share their unique paths into the audio industry, highlighting the challenges and achievements along the way.

Click the link below to learn more about how we help nurture our students' career prospects and foster community amongst them:


#dBsInstitute #learnfromthepros #musicproduction #drivenbysound #audioinnovation #musicindustry #electronicmusic #motivation

dBs Sound & Music Institute is a multi-location, music and audio education specialist based in the UK. Our mission is to effect positive social change through sound, providing excellent specialised training and support for our students, fostering enduring relationships in our community, and developing innovative sound-based solutions to make the world a better place.

We're here to help you craft your passion in music production, live sound, audio programming, sound design, music and sound for screen, electronic music and more.

Learn more at
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