Online Panel "From Boom to Recession"

199 Aufrufe
Due to the Corona crisis companies are currently facing many challenges. But: this disruption offers as well the opportunity to break up old structures.

Unique opportunities are now emerging to open up new business areas or to integrate or spin off company units. After all, it is often particularly challenging situations that provide the impetus to take new entrepreneurial paths. This makes it all the more important to set the right course now for the next strategic steps after the crisis has been overcome.

In our panel of experts, we examine the currently most important factors for successful restructuring from various perspectives:

What comes after short-time work? - Labor law ways out of the crisis | What role does communication play in workforce transformation projects? | What significance does newplacement have within the framework of such projects?
Under the moderation of Stefan Zuber, renowned communications manager in various large companies, experienced practitioners from the restructuring environment will discuss and answer the participants' questions.

Dr. Gunnar Binnewies (goetzpartners)
Thorsten Hermann (v. Rundsted & Partner)
Olaf Horsthemke (Brain4Change GmbH)
Dr. Stephan Schwilden (AC Tischendorf)
Stefan Zuber (CrEX Commconsulting)

More information on crisis management:
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