Germany: Dozens of protesters take to Berlin Spree to urge end of fossil fuels by 2030

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Dozens of activists held a boating rally on the Berlin Spree to demand climate change action.

'Fridays for Future' called for Sunday's demo to urge an end to using fossil fuels by 2030.

"We must continue to strike, and this is not only about the generational question but also for all the people who are not white, German, and privileged, for example the people in the global south, for whom the climate crisis has long been present," declared a speaker at the rally.

“We new a complete exit from coal until 2030, and that means the immediate stop of all subsidies for fossil fuels,” she added.

The rally finished off near the power plant owned by Vattenfall in the city centre, where the organisers read out a declaration.

A few days prior to the deadly floods that devastated western Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium, the EU introduced a plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 55 percent before 2030.

SOT, Demonstrator (German): “We have been striking for two years, and to be honest, I am also no longer in the mood, I am finishing up school and I don’t want to always skip school every Friday, but if the politicians are simply not reacting and ignoring us, we must continue to strike. And this is not only about the generational question but also for all the people who are not white, German, and privileged, for example the people in the global south, for whom the climate crisis has long been present.”

SOT, Demonstrator (German): “We need a complete exit from coal until 2030, and that means the immediate stop of all subsidies for fossil fuels.”

#Germany #FossilFuels #ClimateChange #Coal

Video ID: 20210725-033

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