LANDING IN FRANKFURT | Lufthansa Airbus A340-600 | San Francisco to Frankfurt | LH455

176 Aufrufe
Hey all! Hope you've been keeping well during this time. I've been extremely busy with certified flight instructor training hence the delays. Not everything lasts forever....

Anyway, here we continue on with the winter 2019/2020 series of flights. Onboard Lufthansa's Airbus A340-600 D-AIHZ named 'Leipzig'. Flew a 10hr flight from San Francisco International Airport to Frankfurt Airport as LH455. A long straight-in approach within the airport compound itself - how many wide bodies do you see?!

Of course, due to COVID-19 the Lufthansa A340-600 has been sent in to long term storage towards inevitable retirement, LH455 only operates twice a week onboard an Airbus A350-900.

Stay tuned, the trip report will be up this weekend! :)
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