Learn Solidity: Full Course For Beginners

163 Aufrufe
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Solidity is the most popular language for writing smart contract on the Ethereum Blockchain.

It has a syntax similar to Javascript, but that's very misleading. In fact, it is very different.

If you are learning Blockchain Development, learning Solidity is a good entry point.

In this course, you will learn to write smart contracts on the Ethereum Blockchain with the Solidity programming language.

This is a course for total beginners. You don't need any prior in Blockchain or even in any other programming language.

We will be using the game CryptoZombies for our learning. In this game, we will build an army of Zombies. This is going to be fun, structured, and efficient.

Let's get started!

Full Curriculum:

Making The Zombie Factory
- Chapter 1: Lesson Overview
- Chapter 2: Contracts
- Chapter 3: State Variables & Integers
- Chapter 4: Maths Operations
- Chapter 5: Structs
- Chapter 6: Arrays
- Chapter 7: Function Declarations
- Chapter 8: Working With Structs and Arrays
- Chapter 9: Private / Public Functions
- Chapter 10: More on Functions
- Chapter 11: Keccak256 and Typecasting
- Chapter 12: Putting it altogether
- Chapter 13: Events
- Chapter 14: Web3.js
- Chapter 15: Lesson 1 is Complete!

Zombies Attack their Victim
Chapter 1: Lesson 2 Overview
Chapter 2: Mappings and Addresses
Chapter 3: Msg.sender
Chapter 4: Require
Chapter 5: Inheritance
Chapter 6: Import
Chapter 7: Storage vs memory
Chapter 8: Zombie DNA
Chapter 9: More on Function visibility
Chapter 10: What do Zombies eat?
Chapter 11: Using an Interface
Chapter 12: Handling Multiple return values
Chapter 13: Bonus: Kitty Genes
Chapter 14: Wrapping it up
Chapter 15: Lesson 2 Complete!

Advanced Solidity Concepts
Chapter 1: Immutability of Contracts
Chapter 2: Ownable Contracts
Chapter 3: onlyOwner Function Modifier
Chapter 4: Gas
Chapter 5: Time units
Chapter 6: Zombie Cooldowns
Chapter 7: Public Functions & Security
Chapter 8: More on Function modifiers
Chapter 9: Zombie Modifiers
Chapter 10: Saving Gas With `view` Modifier
Chapter 11: Storage is Expensive
Chapter 12: For Loops
Chapter 13: Wrapping it Up
Chapter 14: Lesson 3 Complete!

Zombie Battle System
Chapter 1: Payable
Chapter 2: Withdraws
Chapter 3: Zombie Battles
Chapter 4: Random Numbers
Chapter 5: Zombie Fightin'
Chapter 6: Refactoring Common Logic
Chapter 7: More Refactoring
Chapter 8: Back To Attack!
Chapter 9: Zombie Wins & Losses
Chapter 10: Zombie Victory
Chapter 11: Zombie Loss
Chapter 12: Wrapping it Up
Chapter 13: Lesson 4 Complete!

ERC721 & Crypto Collectibles
Chapter 1: Tokens on Ethereum
Chapter 2: ERC721 Standard, Multiple Inheritance
Chapter 3: balanceOf & OwnerOf
Chapter 4: Refactoring
Chapter 5: ERC721: Transfer Logic
Chapter 6: ERC721: Transfer Logic (continued)
Chapter 7: ERC721: Approve Logic
Chapter 8: ERC721: Approve Logic (continued)
Chapter 9: Preventing Overflows
Chapter 10: SafeMath Part 2
Chapter 11: SafeMath Part 3
Chapter 12: SafeMath Part 3
Chapter 13: Comments
Chapter 14: Wrapping it UP
Chapter 15: Lesson 5 Complete!

Other Links:
- Web3 Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbbtODcOYIoFs0PDlTdxpEsZiyDR2q9aA
- Solidity 0.6: https://youtu.be/BnYD-8fDaOw
- Github repo: https://github.com/jklepatch/eattheblocks
- Forum: https://forum.eattheblocks.com
- Blog: https://eattheblocks.com
- Author Website: https://www.julienklepatch.com
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