Germany: Hundreds join pro-Israel protest in Berlin amid rising conflict

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Around 350 people gathered today at Potsdamer Platz in central Berlin to show their solidarity with Israel and stand up against anti-Semitism in Germany. Protesters could be sign holding signs, banners and flags expressing their solidarity with Israel.

The protest came as marches took place across Berlin, and elsewhere in Germany in support of Palestinians.

Since the outbreak of the recent hostilities at least 140 Palestinians, including 39 children, have been killed in the Gaza Strip, while 13 have died amid unrest in the West Bank, with nine killed in Israel.

SOT Volker Beck, Green Party member (German): "We are here because Israel has been attacked and when Israel is being attacked by terrorists than there can be no equidistance, then we stand on side with of the Jewish and democratic state."

SOT, Volker Beck, Green Party member (German): "Whoever is feeding the rumour and legends that the Jews in Germany have something to do with Israel, and can be held responsible for Israeli politics or warfare, which I do not want to criticise in this case, but they are feeding a picture that the Jews here in Germany do not belong with us."

SOT, Volker Beck, Green Party member (German): "And whoever feeds those views, they should sit down and rethink from the beginning about their relationship to German history, Judaism, and the state Israel.''
#Germany #Berlin #Israel
Video ID: 20210515-042

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